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loan officer /office manager

About the Role

Job Type:

Full time


18877 West 10 Mile Road, 250

Contact info

David S Shepherd

We are seeking some one in the community with a unique opportunity to service the up and coming community in Kingston Pennsylvania and all parts on Pa but a particular focus on Kingston community to help Anash coming to the community from other states to help the local needs. The right individual must possess very good people skills and interactional skills. The goal being this be a first in the community to service this community from some one from the community . All training will be given through the president of the company who has 29 years of experience in the industry. The goals of the company in this community would to grow the company with other loan officers as needed branch out out to insurance and real estate agents as the president of this company already posses these licenses in other states than Pennsylvania .The mortgage company is full operational in Pennsylvania our goal to have a fully operation office in Kingston
Please call for inquires 248-440-5888
or cell 248-854-6072


We need to get licenses or be licensed and be required to be appointed. We will help get you licensed as needed if necessary will appoint in other states as appropriate

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