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Stay Within Eiruv: Safety Guidelines

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Residents and visitors walking within the Eiruv of Kingston should exercise extra caution, particularly when navigating certain areas. The Eiruv—a boundary that allows for carrying on Shabbos—has specific pathways where maintaining compliance is challenging.

Key areas of concern include the route from Pierce Street into Dawes. Here, the Eiruv cuts through a laundry parking lot, making it difficult to stay within the boundary. It is highly recommended to use the map to understand precisely where the Eiruv runs, as walking on the wrong side of the street in this area might result in stepping outside the Eiruv. Similarly, those walking on Church Street should be vigilant, as staying within the Eiruv on this road is nearly impossible. It's best to avoid this route altogether on Shabbos.

The JCC section, highlighted in red on the map, is currently down, indicating that this part is not considered within the Eiruv. Those who traverse the levee trail should also note that it falls outside the Eiruv's limits, and careful route planning is necessary to avoid unintentional breaches.

For the safety and convenience of all, community members are urged to review the provided map regularly and familiarize themselves with the boundaries. Ensuring compliance not only adheres to religious guidelines but also fosters a safe and respectful community environment.

  • The JCC area in red is currently down.

  • Avoid Church Street as it is difficult to stay in the Eiruv.

  • Pierce to Dawes route requires walking through parking lots to remain within the Eiruv.

  • Review the Eiruv map regularly to stay within the boundaries.

  • The levee trail is outside the Eiruv.

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